Thursday, July 24, 2008

Open source investing

I've just realized that I haven't really been that open with what I'm doing as far as my investments go. So here's a link to the Google Spreadsheet that I'm using to track my research into high dividend stocks. If you have questions, please comment on this post and I'll do my best to answer them.


angelinjones said...

Open Source Business Conference keynote offers up an example that may break us out of that problem of narrowing our thinking around labels. He talks about "pizza" companies and the concept of core customer value propositions and business context. For Dominoes Pizza it's all about 30 minute delivery. The pizza is context. For Chucky Cheese it's all about animatronics and the childrens party atmosphere.
viral marketing

Chad Lupkes said...

Was this a comment on my post, or just spam?