Monday, November 14, 2005

Just posted on Since Sliced Bread

I just posted this on Since Sliced Bread, a project of the SEIU:

Right now companies are considered the property of the shareholders. We need to change the dynamic by pushing the idea of stakeholders. Everyone that works for a company is a stakeholder. Everyone that does business with a company is a stakeholder. Everyone that lives around the company is a stakeholder. Democracy is the idea that our voices and opinions matter. We have groups focused on Democracy for America. We need Democracy for Wall Street.

Ideas that could come from this idea: The concept of one person one vote for shareholder resolutions and board elections; Employee ownership of companies; Requiring companies building in an area to have a certain percentage of shares owned by people living in that area; etc.

Why do labor unions focus so much attention on fighting against the owners of the corporations. I'd rather see them TAKE OWNERSHIP of the corporation and make the Board of Directors do the right thing for their employees, the community and the environment.

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